
Transitive Properties

August 7, 2007

Dear Bartender: I teach Algebra on Long Island. I have a student who keeps trying to fix me up with her mother. The details are confusing but to the best of my knowledge the kid’s father is either dead or in jail. In truth, I’m more interested in the kid than the mother — though actually I’ve never seen the mother so maybe I shouldn’t be so quick to decide. My question to you: Should I accept the kid’s invitation to dinner with the family?

Dear Math Teacher: Yes. But only if it’s a big extended family. I hope you haven’t ruled out a potential, insane, irresistible attraction to the kid’s grandma.


  1. Well Teach– If you are “more interested in the kid” maybe you should skip the NAMBLA meeting one evening and just meet up with Junior…

  2. Or go the Humbert Humbert route and marry the mother to be close to the daughter.

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